The group 4U2 reproduce in magnificent detail the songs of the most successful and legendary giants of rock, that of U2, a group who have undeniably dominated the world of rock music over the past 40 years and still continue to do so.
Just as with the story of the birth of U2 back in 1976, similarly this group has its humble beginnings in the posting of a simple advert looking for like-minded and passionate musicians, to create a challenging and ambitious project to authentically play and pay hommage to very unique music of U2. On this occasion however it was not the drummer but the guitarist who put the process into motion. Paul, ‘The Edge 2’, is also Irish, and needless to say a huge fan of his fellow-countrymen. Not only does he share the same attention to detail from a musical perspective, but his physical appearance also bears an uncanny resemblance to the original Edge himself !
New Gold Dream Records are very proud to be associate with this amazing project, and take responsibility for all their management, promotional, recording and venue reservation requirements.
Right from the outset the group set on their journey of creating a very authentic U2 ‘Live’ show in both sound and vision, covering many of their best classics from over the 200 million albums sold worldwide, with greats that we all know such as, One, With or Without You, Sunday Bloody Sunday…and more. The list seems almost endless…
Passionate fans themselves of their musical heroes, they adopt the same format and set-up as the original group. Having collectively seen U2 almost 100 times in concert, their aim is to bring the energy and passion created at these concerts, and to share them with their own audience, reproducing as close as possible the ‘unique U2 sound’, while delivering a really authentic live experience of a U2 show. From those first early days, they have since been very successful in realising their ambitions, appearing from small intimate venues right through to performing at huge festivals in front of many thousands of fans, not only in France but further afield also.
Well use to performing on the very biggest of stages, they perform their ‘Best of U2’ show to both eager fans and to audiences who are not quite so lucky to get the opportunity to see the original group. During a fantastic show of ‘sound and vision’ lasting more than two hours, they passionately deliver the great classic successes of U2, covering all the albums spanning the past 40 years.